Monday, July 29, 2019

iron-rich veg foods

I need to get my strength up, so I need to heal my blood.  I was taking these vegan iron pills that are supposed to be very good.  But I ran out.  Last night I ordered some more.

Thought about making some tuna fish.  But it was sad for me--don't wanna do it.

I was looking up iron-rich foods, and I thought I'd make a list of the ones that most interest me.

white mushrooms
dried apricots
prune juice
blackstrap molasses
potatoes--especially the skin
dark chocolate
hemp seeds
chia seeds

Sounds good.  Vitamin c at the same time is supposed to help the iron get absorbed.

Saturday, April 27, 2019

easiest vegan fried rice that tastes so good and nourishing

nice fried rice

cold leftover rice
garlic powder
frozen peas
frozen spinach, chopped
black pep

Put some oil in a pan.  Heat it.  Add the rice.  Fry it for a while.  Don't stir too much.  Keep the heat high.

Meanwhile, separately, heat the spinach and peas till they're thawed.

Add a generous amount of garlic powder and a little cayenne and black pepper to the rice.  Stir well.

Add the veg to the rice.  Stir well.  Cook till the veg is hot.

Serve and add desired amount of shoyu or soy sauce. 

Wow, how could vegan fried rice made with almost zero effort taste this delicious?  Well, it does.  Let's remember this one.

Saturday, March 2, 2019

deep nutrition

I wanna eat / drink more of...

-plain yogurt
-kefir water
-everyday banana
-sweet potatoes
-decaf green tea
-lemongrass tea
-fermented like fresh sauerkraut

-cabbage juice, once I get a juicer

I think aloe juice is probably not for me, but I want to try it.

Friday, March 1, 2019

wanna make this soon

I've made some hella delicious peanut stew kinda dishes, but I wanna try this specific recipe because I love this lady.  The Budget Bytes lady is a food genius.  Also, I usually have all these ingredients.

Sunday, February 17, 2019

ulcer, anemia, GI soft diet for a while

I got a large ulcer in my stomach.  It's healing now after surgery and with powerful antacids.

The doctor said no aspirin, no ibuprofen, no naproxen.  I can have tylenol.

No soda.  No spices for now: garlic, ginger, chile, black pepper.

No roughage, like salad or raw veggies.  I can have veggies but cooked well.  No nuts, not even ground.  No seeds, like no seeds in crackers or bread.  No whole grains.

I'm supposed to be on a GI soft diet for a while.

Well, the ulcer bled so badly I got anemia.  So I need to build my blood.  Ming said eat protein. 

So I've been doing that.  Eggs, mild veggie sausage, vegan protein broth, plain yogurt, even a little fish, vegan hotdogs, queso fresco.

I think my blood is doing better now, two weeks out of the hospital.  But sometimes I feel discouraged.

Spicy food was my favorite.  Indian food is my joy, then Mexican, then Thai.  Garlic is my best friend.  I put some cayenne in almost everything.

I need to avoid the foods that gave me heartburn: Indian food, pizza, soy chorizo, enchiladas, underripe bananas.  I feel like I need to avoid tomato sauce also for pasta.  Salsas hot and mild.

The spices I kept by the stove because I used them every day, before: granulated garlic, cayenne pepper, cumin, black pepper.  They're just sitting there.

Well, I'm glad to have my life.